
Scandinavian politics: two notices

Hej to all on the Scandinavian Politics mailing list,

Sorry about the lack of communication recently - pressures or work, etc, etc. I have just two quick notices.

1. PSA CONFERENCE in April. Unfortunately, the Scandinavian Politics Specialist Group won't be sponsoring panels this year. This is due to my inability to attend the conference and a relative lack of interest from Nordic-orientated in presenting papers.

Let's make a big effort to make up for this next year.

2. THE CARTOONS-OF-MOHAMMED CRISIS. I can't say that I've had time to monitor the political fallout in Denmark too closely (once again, lack of time). But it seems to have sucked in Norway, too, due to a Christian magazine's publication of the cartoons that were originally published in Denmark's Jyllands-Posten.

Characteristically interesting context is, however, provided by my colleague Jacob Christiansen on his blog (http://blog.jacobchristensen.name/). Read the two postings entitled "By the Beard of the Prophet…!".


Nick Aylott.
Dr Nicholas Aylott, senior lecturer (docent) | Department of Political Science, UmeƄ University | SE-901 87, Sweden | www.pol.umu.se

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