
[Fwd: Call for papers: Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in Comparative and Transnational Historical Perspectives]

Possibly of interest to some on the Scandinavian Politics list...
Dr Nicholas Aylott, senior lecturer (docent) in political science
School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University College, Stockholm
SE-141 89 Huddinge, Sweden

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested. To join the Scandinavian Politics mailing list, send a message to me, the convenor (nicholas.aylott@sh.se). If you want to send something to the list, or if you don't want to receive these occasional messages, just let me know. See also www.psa.ac.uk/spgrp/scandinavia/

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for papers: Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in Comparative and Transnational Historical Perspectives
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:25:33 +0300
From: aalanko@mappi.helsinki.fi

Dear recipient,

could you please forward the below call for papers to your e-mail lists?
With best wishes, Anna Alanko



Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in Comparative and
Transnational Historical Perspectives

The conference "Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in
Comparative and Transnational Historical Perspectives" takes place in
Stockholm, 13-15 May 2009

Organizers: The Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State
- Historical Foundations and Future Challenges (NCoE NordWel) in
cooperation with the Department of History, Stockholm University.

Since the 1930s, the Nordic countries have been singled out as a
special case in international politics. In comparative welfare state
research the concept The Nordic Model has become a standard term.
However, the Nordic model is often and inadequately described in terms
of distinct social policy configuration when it is better seen as a
particular complex of welfare policies, labour market institutions,
and gender relations which has emerged in the Nordic countries over
the last century. According to this interpretation, two principles
characterize the model. On the one hand, a universalist idea of social
rights based on citizenship, and on the other hand, the normalcy of
wage work as the social form of labour.

The second international conference organized by the NCoE NordWel is
devoted to the historically contingent interconnectedness of welfare
states and labour markets. We invite proposals for papers that analyze
these complex relations in a broad historical perspective covering the
period from ca 1900 to the present. Papers can be both theoretical and
empirical in their approach. They can deal with particular cases,
focus on national themes or have a comparative/transnational
perspective. Among the suggested themes are

* Comparative analysis of labour markets and welfare states

* Gender, wage work, family policies and welfare states

* Labour market policies and activation policies - continuities and

* Sectorialized wage work (health care, social services) in the making
of welfare states

* Unions, employers and welfare states

* Migration, global labour markets and national welfare policies

* Changing and competing concepts, images and definitions of work and welfare

Paper proposals (1/2 page) should be submitted to the following e-mail
address: nils.edling@historia.su.se. The deadline for submissions of
abstracts is December 15, 2008. Authors of submitted abstracts will be
notified not later than January 15, 2008.

NCoE NordWel will provide accommodation for all participants with
accepted papers. Travel grant can be applied for in connection with
abstract submission.

Nordic Centre of Excellence The Nordic Welfare State - Historical
Foundations and Future Challenges, NCoE NordWel, is a
multi-disciplinary, cross-national research network of seven partner
units in Nordic universities. The Centre started its activities in
March 2007 as a part of NordForsk Centre of Excellence. For more
information, see: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/nord-wel/.

Anna Alanko
NCoE NordWel
Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State - Historical
Foundations and Future Challenges

Dept. of Social Science History
P.O. Box 54 (Snellmaninkatu 14A)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Tel +358 (0)9 191 249 58
Fax +358 (0)9 191 249 42
E-mail anna.alanko@helsinki.fi
Www: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/nord-wel/

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