
Scandinavian Politics: financial news

Dear all on the Scandinavian Politics list,

Just a quick note about financial matters.

The PSA's specialist-groups sub-committee has agreed to give £800 towards our activities this year. This is a good result, due largely to various efforts and initiatives last year, which contributed to what must be our relatively high level of activity among specialist groups. Thanks again to those who organised things. This is what we need to continue.

1. If anyone would be interested in receiving funding for an event, let me know. It could be a seminar, a workshop - anything that is concerned with (a) political science and (b) Nordic politics will be considered.

Our biggest donation last year was £750 for a conference, and something similar could be on offer this year. I've already had one pretty firm suggestion submitted, so that one is first in the queue. But we may well have room to fund additional projects.

2. As last year, around £150 is available to postgraduate students attending the PSA conference in Swansea in April 2008, to help with travel and the conference fee. Those interested should get in touch with me as soon as possible.

Best, from a gloomy Stockholm that's "enjoyed" its mildest winter since 1756,

Dr Nicholas Aylott, senior lecturer (docent) in political science
School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University College, Stockholm
SE-141 89 Huddinge, Sweden

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